You searched for: “most pugnacious
pugnacious (adjective), more pugnacious, most pugnacious
1. Conveying a quarrelsome or combative disposition; being belligerent: Susan was behaving in a pugnacious way when her mother asked her to do some household chores, like taking out the garbage.

Because of Tim's pugnacious attitude, he has a problem getting along with his fellow politicians and so he fails to achieve any of the objectives for which he was elected.

2. Relating to an eagerness to fight or to argue about issues instead of using calm discussions: The two sisters were quite pugnacious when they were young kids, often being unfriendly and controversial with each other.
3. Characterizing a person who is uncontrollable and who resorts to force or violence: Some pugnacious children in schools apparently don't know how to get along with each other and so they are often involved in threatening others or fighting on the playgrounds.
Ready to fight or to quarrel.
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Easily disposed to fight; combative .
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This entry is located in the following units: -acious (page 2) pugn-, pug-, pugil- (page 2) pung-, punc-, punct- (page 5)
Word Entries at Get Words: “most pugnacious
Characteristic of having a quarrelsome or combative disposition; being belligerent. (2)